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You have reached this page to request help in relation to Home Realm Discovery (HRD). Please view the questions and answers below to understand more.
Q. Why am I seeing this page?
A. The system that you are trying to access needs to authenticate you, but in order to do this it needs to know which authentication system within JPMC to use.
Q. What option should I select?
A. See Below
Q. What happens if I make an incorrect selection?
A. You will most likely be prompted to enter credentials, and when you enter credentials these will not work and you will just be prompted again - in this case you should close the application and start the application again.
Q. Why do I not see this page the whole time?
A. After seeing the Home Realm Discovery page for the first time and making the correct selection, a cookie is placed in the browser on your device to 'bypass' this screen when accessing applications. The Cookie is valid for one year, but if cookies are removed from your device then you will again see the Home Realm Discovery screen the next time you access an application.